About me
I am a research scientist at Adobe Research. I received my Ph.D. degree from University of California San Diego, advised by Prof. Ravi Ramamoorthi. Before that, I obtained Bachelor of Engineering in Computer Science from The University of Hong Kong, advised by Prof. Yizhou Yu.
My research interests include various topics in computer graphics and computer vision, especially for appearance acquisition, 3D reconstruction, 3D generation, inverse rendering and neural rendering. I've received Qualcomm Innovation Fellowship (2020) and UCSD CSE Dissertation Award (2021).
Internships at Adobe: If you are interested in a research internship at Adobe Research, feel free to send me an email with your CV and research interests.
Email: sbi-at-adobe-dot-com / saibifig-at-gmail-dot-com
- We are organizing a workshop on 3D Foundation Models at CVPR 2024. Welcome to attend on June 18 at Summit 434.
- Our paper on Neural Directional Encoding is selected as a highlight presentation at CVPR 2024.
Selected publications